Source code for

# ELEKTRONN3 - Neural Network Toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2017 - now
# Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Munich, Germany
# Authors: Martin Drawitsch, Philipp Schubert, Marius Killinger

__all__ = ['warp_slice', 'get_warped_coord_transform', 'WarpingOOBError']

import itertools
from typing import Tuple, Union, Optional, Sequence
from functools import reduce, lru_cache
import numpy as np
import numba
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from elektronn3 import floatX
from import DataSource, slice_3d

# TODO: A major refactoring is required here:
#  This module should not perform any data I/O itself. Instead it should provide a
#  framework for generating and transforming source coordinates (with
#  support for user-defined transforms, similar to the image transforms pipeline).
#  Code for HDF5 slicing and voxel value interpolation should be in separate modules.

numba.config.THREADING_LAYER = 'tbb'

@numba.guvectorize(['void(float32[:,:,:], float32[:], float32[:], float32[:,],)'],
              '(x,y,z),(i),(i)->()', nopython=True)#target='parallel',
def map_coordinates_nearest(src, coords, lo, dest):
    """Generalized ufunc that performs nearest-neighbor interpolation,
    given a floating point coordinate array expressed by ``coords - lo``.

    We don't pass ``coords - lo`` directly as an argument because we want to
    compute it inside the gufunc for performance reasons (the simple subtraction
    ``coords - lo`` in normal numpy code actually takes longer than executing
    the gufunc for the whole array!)

    **IMPORTANT NOTE**: This function does not do any bounds checking and will
    read from unallocated memory if you pass out-of-bounds coordinates!
    Always make sure that every coodinate in ``coords - lo`` actually *has* a
    nearest neighbor inside the bounds of ``src``.
    Otherwise, ``dest`` will be filled with garbage values from uninitialized
    memory or will cause a segmentation fault."""
    u = np.int32(np.round(coords[0] - lo[0]))
    v = np.int32(np.round(coords[1] - lo[1]))
    w = np.int32(np.round(coords[2] - lo[2]))
    dest[0] = src[u,v,w]

def _loop_map_coordinates_nearest(src, coords, lo, dest):
    """Loop-based alternative implementation of map_coordinates_nearest()
    for easier debugging."""
    for z in range(coords.shape[0]):
        for y in range(coords.shape[1]):
            for x in range(coords.shape[2]):
                u = np.int32(np.round(coords[z, y, x, 0] - lo[0]))
                v = np.int32(np.round(coords[z, y, x, 1] - lo[1]))
                w = np.int32(np.round(coords[z, y, x, 2] - lo[2]))
                dest[z, y, x] = src[u,v,w]

@numba.guvectorize(['void(float32[:,:,:], float32[:], float32[:], float32[:,],)'],
              '(x,y,z),(i),(i)->()', nopython=True)# target='parallel'
def map_coordinates_linear(src, coords, lo, dest):
    """Generalized ufunc that performs trilinear interpolation,
    given a floating point coordinate array expressed by ``coords - lo``.

    We don't pass ``coords - lo`` directly as an argument because we want to
    compute it inside the gufunc for performance reasons (the simple subtraction
    ``coords - lo`` in normal numpy code actually takes longer than executing
    the gufunc for the whole array!)

    **IMPORTANT NOTE**: This function does not do any bounds checking and will
    read from unallocated memory if you pass out-of-bounds coordinates!
    Always make sure that every coodinate in ``coords - lo + 1`` is within the
    bounds of ``src``.
    Otherwise, ``dest`` will be filled with garbage values from uninitialized
    memory or will cause a segmentation fault."""
    u = coords[0] - lo[0]
    v = coords[1] - lo[1]
    w = coords[2] - lo[2]
    u0 = np.int32(u)
    u1 = u0 + 1
    du = u - u0
    v0 = np.int32(v)
    v1 = v0 + 1
    dv = v - v0
    w0 = np.int32(w)
    w1 = w0 + 1
    dw = w - w0
    val = src[u0, v0, w0] * (1-du) * (1-dv) * (1-dw) +\
          src[u1, v0, w0] * du * (1-dv) * (1-dw) +\
          src[u0, v1, w0] * (1-du) * dv * (1-dw) +\
          src[u0, v0, w1] * (1-du) * (1-dv) * dw +\
          src[u1, v0, w1] * du * (1-dv) * dw +\
          src[u0, v1, w1] * (1-du) * dv * dw +\
          src[u1, v1, w0] * du * dv * (1-dw) +\
          src[u1, v1, w1] * du * dv * dw
    dest[0] = val

def _loop_map_coordinates_linear(src, coords, lo, dest):
    """Loop-based alternative implementation of map_coordinates_linear()
    for easier debugging."""
    for z in range(coords.shape[0]):
        for y in range(coords.shape[1]):
            for x in range(coords.shape[2]):
                u = coords[z, y, x, 0] - lo[0]
                v = coords[z, y, x, 1] - lo[1]
                w = coords[z, y, x, 2] - lo[2]
                u0 = np.int32(u)
                u1 = u0 + 1
                du = u - u0
                v0 = np.int32(v)
                v1 = v0 + 1
                dv = v - v0
                w0 = np.int32(w)
                w1 = w0 + 1
                dw = w - w0
                val = src[u0, v0, w0] * (1-du) * (1-dv) * (1-dw) +\
                      src[u1, v0, w0] * du * (1-dv) * (1-dw) +\
                      src[u0, v1, w0] * (1-du) * dv * (1-dw) +\
                      src[u0, v0, w1] * (1-du) * (1-dv) * dw +\
                      src[u1, v0, w1] * du * (1-dv) * dw +\
                      src[u0, v1, w1] * (1-du) * dv * dw +\
                      src[u1, v1, w0] * du * dv * (1-dw) +\
                      src[u1, v1, w1] * du * dv * dw
                dest[z, y, x] = val

def identity():
    return np.eye(4, dtype=floatX)

def translate(dz, dy, dx):
    return np.array([
        [1.0, 0.0, 0.0,  dz],
        [0.0, 1.0, 0.0,  dy],
        [0.0, 0.0, 1.0,  dx],
        [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
    ], dtype=floatX)

def rotate_z(a):
    return np.array([
        [1.0, 0.0,    0.0,     0.0],
        [0.0, np.cos(a), -np.sin(a), 0.0],
        [0.0, np.sin(a), np.cos(a),  0.0],
        [0.0, 0.0,    0.0,     1.0]
    ], dtype=floatX)

def rotate_y(a):
    return np.array([
        [np.cos(a), -np.sin(a), 0.0, 0.0],
        [np.sin(a),  np.cos(a), 0.0, 0.0],
        [0.0,        0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
        [0.0,        0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
    ], dtype=floatX)

def rotate_x(a):
    return np.array([
        [np.cos(a),  0.0, np.sin(a), 0.0],
        [0.0,     1.0, 0.0,    0.0],
        [-np.sin(a), 0.0, np.cos(a), 0.0],
        [0.0,     0.0, 0.0,    1.0]
    ], dtype=floatX)

def scale_inv(mz, my, mx):
    return np.array([
        [1/mz,  0.0,    0.0,  0.0],
        [0.0,   1/my,   0.0,  0.0],
        [0.0,   0.0,    1/mx, 0.0],
        [0.0,   0.0,    0.0,  1.0]
    ], dtype=floatX)

def scale(mz, my, mx):
    return np.array([
        [mz,  0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        [0.0, my,  0.0, 0.0],
        [0.0, 0.0, mx,  0.0],
        [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
    ], dtype=floatX)

def chain_matrices(mat_list):
    return reduce(, mat_list, identity())

def get_random_rotmat(lock_z=False, amount=1.0):
    gamma = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi * amount
    if lock_z:
        return rotate_z(gamma)

    phi = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi * amount
    theta = np.arcsin(np.random.rand()) * amount

    R1 = rotate_z(-phi)
    R2 = rotate_y(-theta)
    R3 = rotate_z(gamma)
    R = chain_matrices([R3, R2, R1])
    return R

def get_random_flipmat(no_x_flip=False):
    F = np.eye(4, dtype=floatX)
    flips = np.random.binomial(1, 0.5, 4) * 2 - 1
    flips[3] = 1 # don't flip homogeneous dimension
    if no_x_flip:
        flips[2] = 1

    np.fill_diagonal(F, flips)
    return F

def get_random_swapmat(lock_z=False):
    S = np.eye(4, dtype=floatX)
    if lock_z:
        swaps = [[0, 1, 2, 3],
                 [0, 2, 1, 3]]
        swaps = [[0, 1, 2, 3],
                 [0, 2, 1, 3],
                 [1, 0, 2, 3],
                 [1, 2, 0, 3],
                 [2, 0, 1, 3],
                 [2, 1, 0, 3]]

    i = np.random.randint(0, len(swaps))
    S = S[swaps[i]]
    return S

def get_random_warpmat(lock_z=False, perspective=False, amount=1.0):
    W = np.eye(4, dtype=floatX)
    amount *= 0.1
    perturb = np.random.uniform(-amount, amount, (4, 4))
    perturb[3,3] = 0
    if lock_z:
        perturb[0] = 0
        perturb[:,0] = 0
    if not perspective:
        perturb[3] = 0

    perturb[3,:3] *= 0.05 # perspective parameters need to be very small
    np.clip(perturb[3,:3], -3e-3, 3e-3, out=perturb[3,:3])

    return W + perturb

def make_dest_coords(sh):
    Make coordinate list for destination array of shape sh
    zz,xx,yy = np.mgrid[0:sh[0], 0:sh[1], 0:sh[2]]
    hh = np.ones(sh,
    coords = np.concatenate([zz[...,None], xx[...,None],
                             yy[...,None], hh[...,None]], axis=-1)
    return coords.astype(floatX)

def make_dest_corners(sh):
    Make coordinate list of the corners of destination array of shape sh
    corners = list(itertools.product(*([0,1],)*3))
    sh = np.subtract(sh, 1) # 0-based indices
    corners = np.multiply(sh, corners)
    corners = np.hstack((corners, np.ones((8,1)))) # homogeneous coords
    return corners

[docs]class WarpingOOBError(ValueError): """Raised when transformed coordinates are refer to out-of-bounds areas. This is expected to happen a lot when using random warping, but is caught early on before reading data. The dataset iterator is expected to handle this exception by just retrying the same call again, which will re-randomize the transformation.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(WarpingOOBError, self).__init__( *args, **kwargs)
class WarpingSanityError(Exception): """Raised when a sanity check of coordinate warping fails. This can happen due to random numerical inaccuracies, but it shouldn't occur more often than every few hundred thousand warp_slice() calls.""" pass
[docs]def warp_slice( inp_src: DataSource, patch_shape: Union[Tuple[int, ...], np.ndarray], M: np.ndarray, target_src: Optional[DataSource] = None, target_patch_shape: Optional[Union[Tuple[int], np.ndarray]] = None, target_discrete_ix: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, input_discrete_ix: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, debug: bool = False ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ Cuts a warped slice out of the input image and out of the target_src image. Warping is applied by multiplying the original source coordinates with the inverse of the homogeneous (forward) transformation matrix ``M``. "Source coordinates" (``src_coords``) signify the coordinates of voxels in ``inp_src`` and ``target_src`` that are used to compose their respective warped versions. The idea here is that not the images themselves, but the coordinates from where they are read are warped. This allows for much higher efficiency for large image volumes because we don't have to calculate the expensive warping transform for the whole image, but only for the voxels that we eventually want to use for the new warped image. The transformed coordinates usually don't align to the discrete voxel grids of the original images (meaning they are not integers), so the new voxel values are obtained by linear interpolation. Parameters ---------- inp_src Input image source (in HDF5) patch_shape (spatial only) Patch shape ``(D, H, W)`` (spatial shape of the neural network's input node) M Forward warping tansformation matrix (4x4). Must contain translations in source and target_src array. target_src Optional target source array to be extracted from in the same way. target_patch_shape Patch size for the ``target_src`` array. target_discrete_ix List of target channels that contain discrete values. By default (``None``), every channel is is seen as discrete (this is generally the case for classification tasks). This information is used to decide what kind of interpolation should be used for reading target data: - discrete targets are obtained by nearest-neighbor interpolation - non-discrete (continuous) targets are linearly interpolated. input_discrete_ix List of input channels that contain discrete values. By default (``None``), no channel is seen as discrete (generally inputs are real world images). See target_discrete_ix for the effect on input interpolation. debug: If ``True`` (default), enable additional sanity checks to catch warping issues early. Returns ------- inp Warped input image slice target Warped target_src image slice or ``None``, if ``target_src is None``. """ patch_shape = tuple(patch_shape) if len(inp_src.shape) == 3: n_f = 1 elif len(inp_src.shape) == 4: n_f = inp_src.shape[0] else: raise ValueError(f'Can\'t handle inp_src shape {inp_src.shape}') # Spatial shapes of input and target data sources inp_src_shape = np.array(inp_src.shape[-3:]) M_inv = np.linalg.inv(M.astype(np.float64)).astype(floatX) # stability... dest_corners = make_dest_corners(patch_shape) src_corners =, dest_corners.T).T if np.any(M[3,:3] != 0): # homogeneous divide src_corners /= src_corners[:,3][:,None] # check corners src_corners = src_corners[:,:3] lo = np.min(np.floor(src_corners), 0).astype( hi = np.max(np.ceil(src_corners + 1), 0).astype( # compute/transform dense coords dest_coords = make_dest_coords(patch_shape) src_coords = np.tensordot(dest_coords, M_inv, axes=[[-1], [1]]) if np.any(M[3, :3] != 0): # homogeneous divide src_coords /= src_coords[..., 3][..., None] # cut patch src_coords = src_coords[..., :3] # TODO: WIP code, integrate this into the warping pipeline with config options # Perform elastic deformation on warped coordinates so we don't have # to interpolate twice. # For more details, see elastic = False if elastic: sigma = 4 alpha = 40 aniso_factor = 2 for i in range(3): # For each coordinate of dimension i, build a random displacement, # smooth it with sigma and multiply it by alpha elastic_displacement = gaussian_filter( np.random.rand(*patch_shape) * 2 - 1, sigma, mode='constant', cval=0 ) * alpha # Apply anisotropy correction if i == 0 and aniso_factor != 1: elastic_displacement /= aniso_factor # Apply deformation src_coords[..., i] += elastic_displacement # Clip out-of-bounds coordinates back to original cube edges to # prevent out-of-bounds reading np.clip(src_coords[..., i], lo[i], hi[i] - 1, out=src_coords[..., i]) if target_src is not None: target_src_shape = np.array(target_src.shape[-3:]) target_patch_shape = tuple(target_patch_shape) n_f_t = target_src.shape[0] if target_src.ndim == 4 else 1 target_src_offset = np.subtract(inp_src_shape, target_src.shape[-3:]) if np.any(np.mod(target_src_offset, 2)): raise ValueError("targets must be centered w.r.t. images") target_src_offset //= 2 target_offset = np.subtract(patch_shape, target_patch_shape) if np.any(np.mod(target_offset, 2)): raise ValueError("targets must be centered w.r.t. images") target_offset //= 2 src_coords_target = src_coords[ target_offset[0]:(target_offset[0] + target_patch_shape[0]), target_offset[1]:(target_offset[1] + target_patch_shape[1]), target_offset[2]:(target_offset[2] + target_patch_shape[2]) ] # shift coords to be w.r.t. to origin of target_src array lo_targ = np.floor(src_coords_target.min(2).min(1).min(0) - target_src_offset).astype( hi_targ = np.ceil(src_coords_target.max(2).max(1).max(0) + 1 - target_src_offset).astype( if np.any(lo_targ < 0) or np.any(hi_targ >= target_src_shape - 1): raise WarpingOOBError("Out of bounds for target_src") if np.any(lo < 0) or np.any(hi >= inp_src_shape - 1): raise WarpingOOBError("Out of bounds for inp_src") # Slice and interpolate input # Slice to hi + 1 because interpolation potentially needs this value. img_cut = slice_3d(inp_src, lo, hi + 1, dtype=floatX) if img_cut.ndim == 3: img_cut = img_cut[None] inp = np.zeros((n_f,) + patch_shape, dtype=floatX) lo = lo.astype(floatX) if debug and np.any((src_coords - lo).max(2).max(1).max(0) >= img_cut.shape[-3:]): raise WarpingSanityError(f'src_coords check failed (too high).\n{(src_coords - lo).max(2).max(1).max(0), img_cut.shape[-3:]}') if debug and np.any((src_coords - lo).min(2).min(1).min(0) < 0): raise WarpingSanityError(f'src_coords check failed (negative indices).\n{(src_coords - lo).min(2).min(1).min(0)}') if input_discrete_ix is None: input_discrete_ix = [False for i in range(img_cut.shape[0])] else: input_discrete_ix = [i in input_discrete_ix for i in range(img_cut.shape[0])] for k, discr in enumerate(input_discrete_ix): (map_coordinates_nearest if discr else map_coordinates_linear)(img_cut[k], src_coords, lo, inp[k]) # Slice and interpolate target if target_src is not None: # dtype is float as well here because of the static typing of the # numba-compiled map_coordinates functions # Slice to hi + 1 because interpolation potentially needs this value. target_cut = slice_3d(target_src, lo_targ, hi_targ + 1, dtype=floatX) if target_cut.ndim == 3: target_cut = target_cut[None] src_coords_target = np.ascontiguousarray(src_coords_target, dtype=floatX) target = np.zeros((n_f_t,) + target_patch_shape, dtype=floatX) lo_targ = (lo_targ + target_src_offset).astype(floatX) if target_discrete_ix is None: target_discrete_ix = [True for i in range(n_f_t)] else: target_discrete_ix = [i in target_discrete_ix for i in range(n_f_t)] if debug and np.any((src_coords_target - lo_targ).max(2).max(1).max(0) >= target_cut.shape[-3:]): raise WarpingSanityError(f'src_coords_target check failed (too high).\n{(src_coords_target - lo_targ).max(2).max(1).max(0)}\n{target_cut.shape[-3:]}') if debug and np.any((src_coords_target - lo_targ).min(2).min(1).min(0) < 0): raise WarpingSanityError(f'src_coords_target check failed (negative indices).\n{(src_coords_target - lo_targ).min(2).min(1).min(0)}') for k, discr in enumerate(target_discrete_ix): if discr: map_coordinates_nearest(target_cut[k], src_coords_target, lo_targ, target[k]) if debug: unique_cut = set(list(np.unique(target_cut[k]))) unique_warp = set(list(np.unique(target[k]))) # If new values appear in discrete targets, there is something wrong. # unique_warp can have less values than unique_cut though, for example # if the warping transform coincidentally slices away all values of a class. if not unique_warp.issubset(unique_cut): print( f'Invalid target encountered:\n\nunique_cut=\n{unique_cut}\n' f'unique_warp=\n{unique_warp}\nM_inv=\n{M_inv}\n' f'src_coords_target - lo_targ=\n{src_coords_target - lo_targ}\n' ) # Try dropping to an IPython shell (Won't work with num_workers > 0). import IPython; IPython.embed(); raise SystemExit else: map_coordinates_linear(target_cut[k], src_coords_target, lo_targ, target[k]) else: target = None if debug and np.any(np.isnan(inp)): raise RuntimeError('Warping is broken: inp contains NaN.') if debug and np.any(np.isnan(target)): raise RuntimeError('Warping is broken: target contains NaN.') return inp, target
[docs]def get_warped_coord_transform( inp_src_shape: Union[Tuple, np.ndarray], patch_shape: Union[Tuple, np.ndarray], aniso_factor: int = 2, sample_aniso: bool = True, warp_amount: float = 1.0, lock_z: bool = True, no_x_flip: bool = False, perspective: bool = False, target_src_shape: Optional[Union[Tuple, np.ndarray]] = None, target_patch_shape: Optional[Union[Tuple, np.ndarray]] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Generates the warping transformation parameters and composes them into a single 4D homogeneous transformation matrix ``M``. Assumes 3-dimensional (volumetric) source data with shape (D, H, W) or (..., D, H, W). Preceding dimensions before the last three dimensions are ignored, if there are any (e.g. a C dimension that contains input channels). Parameters ---------- inp_src_shape Input data source shape patch_shape Patch shape (spatial shape of the neural network's input node) aniso_factor Anisotropy factor that determines an additional scaling in ``z`` direction. sample_aniso Scale ``z`` coordinates by ``1 / aniso_factor`` while warping. warp_amount Strength of the random warping transformation. A lower ``warp_amount`` will lead to less distorted images. lock_z Exclude ``z`` coordinates from the random warping transformations. no_x_flip Don't flip ``x`` axis during random warping. perspective Apply perspective transformations (in addition to affine ones). target_src_shape Target data source shape target_patch_shape Target patch shape Returns ------- M Coordinate transformation matrix. """ patch_shape = np.array(patch_shape) if target_patch_shape is not None: target_patch_shape = np.array(target_patch_shape) # The last three dimensions of the data source shapes are interpreted as # spatial dimensions (D, H, W). All preciding dimensions are ignored. spatial_inp_src_shape = np.array(inp_src_shape[-3:]) # Determine a random coordinate region where data should be read from the # source. The size of the region is statically defined by the patch_shape. # All region bounds lie within the source data shape. # "dest" refers to the destination coordinates which the "src" (source) # coordinates will be mapped to. dest_center = patch_shape / 2 src_remainder = (patch_shape % 2) / 2 if target_patch_shape is not None: spatial_target_src_shape = np.array(target_src_shape[-3:]) target_center = target_patch_shape / 2 offset = (spatial_inp_src_shape - spatial_target_src_shape) // 2 lo_pos = np.maximum(dest_center, target_center + offset) hi_pos = np.minimum( spatial_inp_src_shape - dest_center, spatial_target_src_shape - target_center + offset ) else: lo_pos = dest_center hi_pos = spatial_inp_src_shape - dest_center if not np.all([lo_pos[i] < hi_pos[i] for i in range(3)]): raise RuntimeError( f'lo_pos: {lo_pos}, hi_pos: {hi_pos}\n' 'lo_pos has to be smaller than hi_pos in all dimensions, but this ' 'is not the case here.\n Please make sure that your patch_shape ' 'is significantly smaller than the shape of the smallest labelled ' 'region of your data set.' ) z = np.random.randint(lo_pos[0], hi_pos[0]) + src_remainder[0] y = np.random.randint(lo_pos[1], hi_pos[1]) + src_remainder[1] x = np.random.randint(lo_pos[2], hi_pos[2]) + src_remainder[2] # Generate coordinate transformation matrices that express the region F = get_random_flipmat(no_x_flip) if no_x_flip: S = np.eye(4, dtype=floatX) else: S = get_random_swapmat(lock_z) if np.isclose(warp_amount, 0): R = np.eye(4, dtype=floatX) W = np.eye(4, dtype=floatX) else: R = get_random_rotmat(lock_z, warp_amount) W = get_random_warpmat(lock_z, perspective, warp_amount) # Using negative translations and inverse anisotropic scaling because of # later matrix inversion? (see M_inv in warp_slice()) # TODO: Clear this up / explain this better. T_src = translate(-z, -y, -x) S_src = scale(aniso_factor, 1, 1) if sample_aniso: S_dest = scale(1.0 / aniso_factor, 1, 1) else: S_dest = identity() T_dest = translate(dest_center[0], dest_center[1], dest_center[2]) # Reduce all transformations into a single matrix M by applying consecutive # matrix multiplications. Applying M to a homogeneous coordinate vector # is mathematically equivalent to consecutively applying each matrix to it. # See M = chain_matrices([T_dest, S_dest, R, W, F, S, S_src, T_src]) return M