Source code for

# ELEKTRONN3 - Neural Network Toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2017 - now
# Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Munich, Germany
# Authors: Martin Drawitsch, Philipp Schubert, Marius Killinger

import logging
import os
import signal
from typing import Dict, Sequence, Tuple

import h5py
import numpy as np
import torch

from elektronn3 import floatX
from import DataSource

logger = logging.getLogger("elektronn3log")

eps = 0.0001  # To avoid divisions by zero

def _to_full_numpy(seq) -> np.ndarray:
    if isinstance(seq, np.ndarray):
        return seq
    elif isinstance(seq, DataSource):
        return seq[()]
    elif isinstance(seq[0], np.ndarray):
        return np.array(seq)
    elif isinstance(seq[0], h5py.Dataset) or isinstance(seq[0], DataSource):
        # Explicitly pre-load all dataset values into ndarray format
        return np.array([x[()] for x in seq])
        raise ValueError('inputs must be an ndarray, a sequence of ndarrays '
                         'or a sequence of h5py.Datasets.')

[docs]def calculate_means(inputs: Sequence) -> Tuple[float]: inputs = [ _to_full_numpy(inp).reshape(inp.shape[0], -1) # Flatten every dim except C for inp in inputs ] # Necessary if shapes don't match # Preserve C, but concatenate everything else into one flat dimension inputs = np.concatenate(inputs, axis=1) means = np.mean(inputs, axis=1) return tuple(means)
[docs]def calculate_stds(inputs: Sequence) -> Tuple[float]: inputs = [ _to_full_numpy(inp).reshape(inp.shape[0], -1) # Flatten every dim except C for inp in inputs ] # Necessary if shapes don't match # Preserve C, but concatenate everything else into one flat dimension inputs = np.concatenate(inputs, axis=1) stds = np.std(inputs, axis=1) return tuple(stds)
[docs]def calculate_offset(model, tile_shape=None): with torch.no_grad(): param = next(model.parameters()) if tile_shape: example_inp = torch.randn(1, param.size()[1], *tile_shape, device=param.device, dtype=param.dtype) example_out = model.eval().forward(example_inp) else: try: # default for 3d UNet example_inp = torch.randn(1, param.size()[1], 90, 90, 90, device=param.device, dtype=param.dtype) example_out = model.eval().forward(example_inp) except RuntimeError: # default for 2d UNet example_inp = torch.randn(1, param.size()[1], 186, 186, device=param.device, dtype=param.dtype) example_out = model.eval().forward(example_inp) offset = np.subtract(example_inp.shape[2:], example_out.shape[2:]) // 2'Inferred target offset: {offset}.') return offset
[docs]def get_class_counts(targets: Sequence[np.ndarray]) -> Dict[int, str]: """Get a dict that maps each target class to its number of labeled pixels/voxels""" targets = np.concatenate([ _to_full_numpy(target).flatten() # Flatten every dim except C for target in targets ]) # Necessary if shapes don't match total = targets.size classes, counts = np.unique(targets, return_counts=True) cc = {cl: f'{co} ({co / total * 100:.2f}%)' for cl, co in zip(classes, counts)} return cc
[docs]def get_nonzero_label_ratio(targets: Sequence[np.ndarray]) -> float: targets = np.concatenate([ _to_full_numpy(target).flatten() # Flatten every dim except C for target in targets ]) # Necessary if shapes don't match num_nonzero = np.count_nonzero(targets) return num_nonzero / targets.size
[docs]def calculate_class_weights( targets: Sequence[np.ndarray], mode='inverse' ) -> np.ndarray: """Calulate class weights that assign more weight to less common classes. The weights can then be used for loss function rebalancing (e.g. for CrossEntropyLoss it's very important to do this when training on datasets with high class imbalance.""" targets = np.concatenate([ _to_full_numpy(target).flatten() # Flatten every dim except C for target in targets ]) # Necessary if shapes don't match def __inverse(targets): """The weight of each class c1, c2, c3, ... with labeled-element counts n1, n2, n3, ... is assigned by weight[i] = N / n[i], where N is the total number of all elements in all ``targets``. (We could achieve the same relative weight proportions by using weight[i] = 1 / n[i], as proposed in, but we multiply by N to prevent very small values that could lead to numerical issues.""" classes = np.arange(0, targets.max() + 1) # Count total number of labeled elements per class num_labeled = np.array([ np.sum(np.equal(targets, c)) for c in classes ], dtype=np.float32) class_weights = (targets.size / (num_labeled + eps)).astype(np.float32) return class_weights def __norpf_inverse(targets): classes = np.arange(0, targets.max() + 1) # Count total number of labeled elements per class num_labeled = np.array([ np.sum(np.equal(targets, c)) for c in classes ], dtype=np.float32) class_weights = (num_labeled / targets.size).astype(np.float32) return class_weights def __binmean(targets): """Use the mean of the targets to determine class weights. This assumes a binary segmentation problem (background/foreground) and breaks in a multi-class setting.""" target_mean = np.mean(targets) bg_weight = target_mean / (1. + target_mean) fg_weight = 1. - bg_weight # class_weights = torch.tensor([bg_weight, fg_weight]) class_weights = np.array([bg_weight, fg_weight], dtype=np.float32) return class_weights if mode == 'inverse': return __inverse(targets) elif mode == 'inversesquared': return __inverse(targets) ** 2 elif mode == 'norpf_inverse': return __norpf_inverse(targets) elif mode == 'binmean': return __binmean(targets)
[docs]def calculate_nd_slice(src, coords_lo, coords_hi): """Calculate the ``slice`` object list that is used as indices for reading from a data source. Unfortunately, this kind of slice list is not yet supported by h5py. It only works with numpy arrays.""" # Separate spatial dimensions (..., H, W) from nonspatial dimensions (C, ...) spatial_dims = len(coords_lo) # Assuming coords_lo addresses all spatial dims nonspatial_dims = src.ndim - spatial_dims # Assuming every other dim is nonspatial # Calculate necessary slice indices for reading the file nonspatial_slice = [ # Slicing all available content in these dims. slice(0, src.shape[i]) for i in range(nonspatial_dims) ] spatial_slice = [ # Slice only the content within the coordinate bounds slice(coords_lo[i], coords_hi[i]) for i in range(spatial_dims) ] full_slice = nonspatial_slice + spatial_slice return full_slice
[docs]def save_to_h5(data, path, hdf5_names=None, overwrite=False, compression=True): """ Saves data to HDF5 File. Parameters ---------- data: list or dict of np.arrays if list, hdf5_names has to be set. path: str forward-slash separated path to file hdf5_names: list of str has to be the same length as data overwrite : bool determines whether existing files are overwritten compression : bool True: compression='gzip' is used which is recommended for sparse and ordered data Returns ------- nothing """ if (not type(data) is dict) and hdf5_names is None: raise Exception("hdf5names has to be set if data is a list") if os.path.isfile(path) and overwrite: os.remove(path) f = h5py.File(path, "w") if type(data) is dict: for key in data.keys(): if compression: f.create_dataset(key, data=data[key], compression="gzip") else: f.create_dataset(key, data=data[key]) else: if len(hdf5_names) != len(data): f.close() raise Exception("Not enough or to much hdf5-names given!") for nb_data in range(len(data)): if compression: f.create_dataset(hdf5_names[nb_data], data=data[nb_data], compression="gzip") else: f.create_dataset(hdf5_names[nb_data], data=data[nb_data]) f.close()
[docs]def as_floatX(x): if not hasattr(x, '__len__'): return np.array(x, dtype=floatX) return np.ascontiguousarray(x, dtype=floatX)
[docs]def squash01(img: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Squash image array to the value range [0, 1] (no clipping). This can be used to prepare network outputs or normalized inputs for plotting and generic image processing functions. """ img = img.astype(np.float32) squashed = (img - np.min(img)) / np.ptp(img) return squashed
# # class based on:
[docs]class DelayedInterrupt: def __init__(self, signals): if not isinstance(signals, list) and not isinstance(signals, tuple): signals = [signals] self.sigs = signals def __enter__(self): self.signal_received = {} self.old_handlers = {} for sig in self.sigs: self.signal_received[sig] = False self.old_handlers[sig] = signal.getsignal(sig) def handler(s, frame): logger.warning('Signal %s received. Delaying KeyboardInterrupt.' % sig) self.signal_received[sig] = (s, frame) # Note: in Python 3.5, you can use signal.Signals(sig).name self.old_handlers[sig] = signal.getsignal(sig) signal.signal(sig, handler) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): for sig in self.sigs: signal.signal(sig, self.old_handlers[sig]) if self.signal_received[sig] and self.old_handlers[sig]: self.old_handlers[sig](*self.signal_received[sig])
[docs]class CleanExit: # def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): if exc_type is KeyboardInterrupt: logger.warning('Delaying KeyboardInterrupt.') return True return exc_type is None
[docs]class GracefulInterrupt: # by now = False def __init__(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.exit_gracefully) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.exit_gracefully)
[docs] def exit_gracefully(self, sig, frame): logger.warning('Signal %s received. Delaying KeyboardInterrupt.' % sig) = True