Source code for elektronn3.models.resunet

# ELEKTRONN3 - Neural Network Toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2017 - now
# Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Munich, Germany
# Author: Martin Drawitsch

This is a modified version of the U-Net CNN architecture for biomedical
image segmentation. U-Net was originally published in by Ronneberger et al.

A pure-3D variant of U-Net has been proposed by Çiçek et al.
in, but the below implementation
is based on the original U-Net paper, with several improvements.

This code is based on
(c) 2017 Jackson Huang, released under MIT License,
which implements (2D) U-Net with user-defined network depth
and a few other improvements of the original architecture.

Major differences of this version from Huang's code:

- Operates on 3D image data (5D tensors) instead of 2D data
- Uses 3D convolution, 3D pooling etc. by default
- planar_blocks architecture parameter for mixed 2D/3D convnets
  (see UNet class docstring for details)
- Improved tests (see the bottom of the file)
- Cleaned up parameter/variable names and formatting, changed default params
- Updated for PyTorch 1.3 and Python 3.6 (earlier versions unsupported)
- (Optional DEBUG mode for optional printing of debug information)
- Extended documentation
- Support for residual connections in encoder and decoder

__all__ = ['UNet']

import copy
import itertools

from typing import Sequence, Union, Tuple, Optional

import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.utils.checkpoint import checkpoint
from torch.nn import functional as F

def get_conv(dim=3):
    """Chooses an implementation for a convolution layer."""
    if dim == 3:
        return nn.Conv3d
    elif dim == 2:
        return nn.Conv2d
        raise ValueError('dim has to be 2 or 3')

def get_convtranspose(dim=3):
    """Chooses an implementation for a transposed convolution layer."""
    if dim == 3:
        return nn.ConvTranspose3d
    elif dim == 2:
        return nn.ConvTranspose2d
        raise ValueError('dim has to be 2 or 3')

def get_maxpool(dim=3):
    """Chooses an implementation for a max-pooling layer."""
    if dim == 3:
        return nn.MaxPool3d
    elif dim == 2:
        return nn.MaxPool2d
        raise ValueError('dim has to be 2 or 3')

def get_normalization(normtype: str, num_channels: int, dim: int = 3):
    """Chooses an implementation for a batch normalization layer."""
    if normtype is None or normtype == 'none':
        return nn.Identity()
    elif normtype.startswith('group'):
        if normtype == 'group':
            num_groups = 8
        elif len(normtype) > len('group') and normtype[len('group'):].isdigit():
            num_groups = int(normtype[len('group'):])
            raise ValueError(
                f'normtype "{normtype}" not understood. It should be "group<G>",'
                f' where <G> is the number of groups.'
        return nn.GroupNorm(num_groups=num_groups, num_channels=num_channels)
    elif normtype == 'instance':
        if dim == 3:
            return nn.InstanceNorm3d(num_channels)
        elif dim == 2:
            return nn.InstanceNorm2d(num_channels)
            raise ValueError('dim has to be 2 or 3')
    elif normtype == 'batch':
        if dim == 3:
            return nn.BatchNorm3d(num_channels)
        elif dim == 2:
            return nn.BatchNorm2d(num_channels)
            raise ValueError('dim has to be 2 or 3')
        raise ValueError(
            f'Unknown normalization type "{normtype}".\n'
            'Valid choices are "batch", "instance", "group" or "group<G>",'
            'where <G> is the number of groups.'

def planar_kernel(x):
    """Returns a "planar" kernel shape (e.g. for 2D convolution in 3D space)
    that doesn't consider the first spatial dim (D)."""
    if isinstance(x, int):
        return (1, x, x)
        return x

def planar_pad(x):
    """Returns a "planar" padding shape that doesn't pad along the first spatial dim (D)."""
    if isinstance(x, int):
        return (0, x, x)
        return x

def conv3(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1,
          padding=1, bias=True, planar=False, dim=3):
    """Returns an appropriate spatial convolution layer, depending on args.
    - dim=2: Conv2d with 3x3 kernel
    - dim=3 and planar=False: Conv3d with 3x3x3 kernel
    - dim=3 and planar=True: Conv3d with 1x3x3 kernel
    if planar:
        stride = planar_kernel(stride)
        padding = planar_pad(padding)
        kernel_size = planar_kernel(kernel_size)
    return get_conv(dim)(

def upconv2(in_channels, out_channels, mode='transpose', planar=False, dim=3):
    """Returns a learned upsampling operator depending on args."""
    kernel_size = 2
    stride = 2
    if planar:
        kernel_size = planar_kernel(kernel_size)
        stride = planar_kernel(stride)
    if mode == 'transpose':
        return get_convtranspose(dim)(
    elif 'resizeconv' in mode:
        if 'linear' in mode:
            upsampling_mode = 'trilinear' if dim == 3 else 'bilinear'
            upsampling_mode = 'nearest'
        rc_kernel_size = 1 if mode.endswith('1') else 3
        return ResizeConv(
            in_channels, out_channels, planar=planar, dim=dim,
            upsampling_mode=upsampling_mode, kernel_size=rc_kernel_size

def conv1(in_channels, out_channels, dim=3):
    """Returns a 1x1 or 1x1x1 convolution, depending on dim"""
    return get_conv(dim)(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1)

def get_activation(activation):
    if isinstance(activation, str):
        if activation == 'relu':
            return nn.ReLU()
        elif activation == 'leaky':
            return nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)
        elif activation == 'prelu':
            return nn.PReLU(num_parameters=1)
        elif activation == 'rrelu':
            return nn.RReLU()
        elif activation == 'silu':
            return nn.SiLU()
        elif activation == 'lin':
            return nn.Identity()
        # Deep copy is necessary in case of paremtrized activations
        return copy.deepcopy(activation)

def get_padding(conv_mode, kernel_size):
    if conv_mode == 'valid' or kernel_size == 1:
        return 0
    elif conv_mode == 'same' and kernel_size == 3:
        return 1
        raise NotImplementedError(f'conv_mode {conv_mode} with kernel_size {kernel_size} unsupported.')

class ConvBlock(nn.Module):
    def __init__(
        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.normalization = normalization
        self.conv_mode = conv_mode
        self.activation = activation
        self.residual = residual
        self.dim = dim

        padding = get_padding(conv_mode, kernel_size)
        if planar:
            padding = planar_pad(padding)
            kernel_size = planar_kernel(kernel_size)
        conv_class = get_conv(dim)

        self.conv1 = conv_class(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding)
        self.norm1 = get_normalization(normalization, self.out_channels, dim=dim)
        self.act1 = get_activation(activation)
        self.conv2 = conv_class(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding)
        self.norm2 = get_normalization(normalization, self.out_channels, dim=dim)
        self.act2 = get_activation(activation)
        if self.residual and self.in_channels != self.out_channels:
            # "Projection" to match number of channels for residual addition
            self.proj = conv_class(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1)
            self.proj = nn.Identity()

    def forward(self, inp):
        y = self.conv1(inp)
        y = self.norm1(y)
        y = self.act1(y)
        y = self.conv2(y)
        if self.residual:
            y += self.proj(inp)
        y = self.norm2(y)
        y = self.act2(y)
        return y

class DownBlock(nn.Module):
    def __init__(

        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.pooling = pooling
        self.normalization = normalization
        self.res_blocks = res_blocks
        self.dim = dim

        enable_residual = res_blocks >= 1

        convs = [ConvBlock(
            self.in_channels, self.out_channels, planar=planar, activation=activation,
            normalization=normalization, conv_mode=conv_mode,
            residual=(enable_residual and not skip_first_residual)
        for _ in range(res_blocks - 1):  # -1 because we have already added one above
                self.out_channels, self.out_channels, planar=planar, activation=activation,
                normalization=normalization, conv_mode=conv_mode, residual=enable_residual
        self.convs = nn.Sequential(*convs)

        if pooling:
            pool_ks = planar_kernel(2) if planar else 2
            self.pool = get_maxpool(dim)(kernel_size=pool_ks, ceil_mode=True)
            self.pool = nn.Identity()

    def forward(self, x):
        y = self.convs(x)
        before_pool = y
        y = self.pool(y)
        return y, before_pool

def autocrop(from_down: torch.Tensor, from_up: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
    Crops feature tensors from the encoder and decoder pathways so that they
    can be combined.

    - If inputs from the encoder pathway have shapes that are not divisible
      by 2, the use of ``nn.MaxPool(ceil_mode=True)`` leads to the 2x
      upconvolution results being too large by one element in each odd
      dimension, so they need to be cropped in these dimensions.

    - If VALID convolutions are used, feature tensors get smaller with each
      convolution, so we need to center-crop the larger feature tensors from
      the encoder pathway to make features combinable with the smaller
      decoder feautures.

        from_down: Feature from encoder pathway (``DownConv``)
        from_up: Feature from decoder pathway (2x upsampled)


    ndim = from_down.dim()  # .ndim is not supported by torch.jit

    if from_down.shape[2:] == from_up.shape[2:]:  # No need to crop anything
        return from_down, from_up

    # Step 1: Handle odd shapes

    # Handle potentially odd input shapes from encoder
    #  by cropping from_up by 1 in each dim that is odd in from_down and not
    #  odd in from_up (that is, where the difference between them is odd).
    #  The reason for looking at the shape difference and not just the shape
    #  of from_down is that although decoder outputs mostly have even shape
    #  because of the 2x upsampling, but if anisotropic pooling is used, the
    #  decoder outputs can also be be oddly shaped in the z (D) dimension.
    #  In these cases no cropping should be performed.
    ds = from_down.shape[2:]
    us = from_up.shape[2:]
    upcrop = [u - ((u - d) % 2) for d, u in zip(ds, us)]

    if ndim == 4:
        from_up = from_up[:, :, :upcrop[0], :upcrop[1]]
    if ndim == 5:
        from_up = from_up[:, :, :upcrop[0], :upcrop[1], :upcrop[2]]

    # Step 2: Handle center-crop resulting from valid convolutions
    ds = from_down.shape[2:]
    us = from_up.shape[2:]

    assert ds[0] >= us[0], f'{ds, us}'
    assert ds[1] >= us[1]
    if ndim == 4:
        from_down = from_down[
            (ds[0] - us[0]) // 2:(ds[0] + us[0]) // 2,
            (ds[1] - us[1]) // 2:(ds[1] + us[1]) // 2
    elif ndim == 5:
        assert ds[2] >= us[2]
        from_down = from_down[
            ((ds[0] - us[0]) // 2):((ds[0] + us[0]) // 2),
            ((ds[1] - us[1]) // 2):((ds[1] + us[1]) // 2),
            ((ds[2] - us[2]) // 2):((ds[2] + us[2]) // 2),
    return from_down, from_up

class UpBlock(nn.Module):
    A helper Module that performs 2 convolutions and 1 UpConvolution.
    A ReLU activation follows each convolution.

    att: Optional[torch.Tensor]

    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels,
                 merge_mode='concat', up_mode='transpose', planar=False,
                 activation='relu', normalization=None, full_norm=True, dim=3, conv_mode='same',
                 attention=False, res_blocks=0):

        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.merge_mode = merge_mode
        self.up_mode = up_mode
        self.normalization = normalization
        self.res_blocks = res_blocks
        self.dim = dim
        enable_residual = res_blocks >= 1

        self.upconv = upconv2(self.in_channels, self.out_channels, mode=self.up_mode, planar=planar, dim=dim)
        self.act0 = get_activation(activation)
        self.norm0 = get_normalization(normalization, out_channels, dim=dim)

        if attention:
            self.attention = GridAttention(in_channels=in_channels // 2, gating_channels=in_channels, dim=dim)
            self.attention = DummyAttention()
        self.att = None  # Field to store attention mask for later analysis

        if self.merge_mode == 'concat':
            convs = [ConvBlock(
                2 * self.out_channels, self.out_channels, planar=planar, activation=activation,
                normalization=normalization, conv_mode=conv_mode, residual=enable_residual
            # num of input channels to conv2 is same
            convs = [ConvBlock(
                self.out_channels, self.out_channels, planar=planar, activation=activation,
                normalization=normalization, conv_mode=conv_mode, residual=enable_residual
        for _ in range(res_blocks - 1):  # -1 because we have already added one above
                self.out_channels, self.out_channels, planar=planar, activation=activation,
                normalization=normalization, conv_mode=conv_mode, residual=enable_residual
        self.convs = nn.Sequential(*convs)

    def forward(self, enc, dec):
        """ Forward pass
            enc: Tensor from the encoder pathway
            dec: Tensor from the decoder pathway (to be upconv'd)

        updec = self.upconv(dec)
        enc, updec = autocrop(enc, updec)
        genc, att = self.attention(enc, dec)
        if not torch.jit.is_scripting():
            self.att = att
        updec = self.norm0(updec)
        updec = self.act0(updec)
        if self.merge_mode == 'concat':
            mrg =, genc), 1)
            mrg = updec + genc
        y = self.convs(mrg)
        return y

class ResizeConv(nn.Module):
    """Upsamples by 2x and applies a convolution.

    This is meant as a replacement for transposed convolution to avoid
    checkerboard artifacts. See

    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, planar=False, dim=3,
        self.upsampling_mode = upsampling_mode
        self.scale_factor = 2
        if dim == 3 and planar:  # Only interpolate (H, W) dims, leave D as is
            self.scale_factor = planar_kernel(self.scale_factor)
        self.dim = dim
        self.upsample = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=self.scale_factor, mode=self.upsampling_mode)
        # TODO: Investigate if 3x3 or 1x1 conv makes more sense here and choose default accordingly
        # Preliminary notes:
        # - conv3 increases global parameter count by ~10%, compared to conv1 and is slower overall
        # - conv1 is the simplest way of aligning feature dimensions
        # - conv1 may be enough because in all common models later layers will apply conv3
        #   eventually, which could learn to perform the same task...
        #   But not exactly the same thing, because this layer operates on
        #   higher-dimensional features, which subsequent layers can't access
        #   (at least in U-Net out_channels == in_channels // 2).
        # --> Needs empirical evaluation
        if kernel_size == 3:
            self.conv = conv3(
                in_channels, out_channels, padding=1, planar=planar, dim=dim
        elif kernel_size == 1:
            self.conv = conv1(in_channels, out_channels, dim=dim)
            raise ValueError(f'kernel_size={kernel_size} is not supported. Choose 1 or 3.')

    def forward(self, x):
        return self.conv(self.upsample(x))

class GridAttention(nn.Module):
    """Based on

    Published in"""
    def __init__(self, in_channels, gating_channels, inter_channels=None, dim=3, sub_sample_factor=2):

        assert dim in [2, 3]

        # Downsampling rate for the input featuremap
        if isinstance(sub_sample_factor, tuple): self.sub_sample_factor = sub_sample_factor
        elif isinstance(sub_sample_factor, list): self.sub_sample_factor = tuple(sub_sample_factor)
        else: self.sub_sample_factor = tuple([sub_sample_factor]) * dim

        # Default parameter set
        self.dim = dim
        self.sub_sample_kernel_size = self.sub_sample_factor

        # Number of channels (pixel dimensions)
        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.gating_channels = gating_channels
        self.inter_channels = inter_channels

        if self.inter_channels is None:
            self.inter_channels = in_channels // 2
            if self.inter_channels == 0:
                self.inter_channels = 1

        if dim == 3:
            conv_nd = nn.Conv3d
            bn = nn.BatchNorm3d
            self.upsample_mode = 'trilinear'
        elif dim == 2:
            conv_nd = nn.Conv2d
            bn = nn.BatchNorm2d
            self.upsample_mode = 'bilinear'
            raise NotImplementedError

        # Output transform
        self.w = nn.Sequential(
            conv_nd(in_channels=self.in_channels, out_channels=self.in_channels, kernel_size=1),
        # Theta^T * x_ij + Phi^T * gating_signal + bias
        self.theta = conv_nd(
            in_channels=self.in_channels, out_channels=self.inter_channels,
            kernel_size=self.sub_sample_kernel_size, stride=self.sub_sample_factor, bias=False
        self.phi = conv_nd(
            in_channels=self.gating_channels, out_channels=self.inter_channels,
            kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=True
        self.psi = conv_nd(
            in_channels=self.inter_channels, out_channels=1, kernel_size=1, stride=1, bias=True


    def forward(self, x, g):
        # theta => (b, c, t, h, w) -> (b, i_c, t, h, w) -> (b, i_c, thw)
        # phi   => (b, g_d) -> (b, i_c)
        theta_x = self.theta(x)

        # g (b, c, t', h', w') -> phi_g (b, i_c, t', h', w')
        #  Relu(theta_x + phi_g + bias) -> f = (b, i_c, thw) -> (b, i_c, t/s1, h/s2, w/s3)
        phi_g = F.interpolate(self.phi(g), size=theta_x.shape[2:], mode=self.upsample_mode, align_corners=False)
        f = F.relu(theta_x + phi_g, inplace=True)

        #  psi^T * f -> (b, psi_i_c, t/s1, h/s2, w/s3)
        sigm_psi_f = torch.sigmoid(self.psi(f))

        # upsample the attentions and multiply
        sigm_psi_f = F.interpolate(sigm_psi_f, size=x.shape[2:], mode=self.upsample_mode, align_corners=False)
        y = sigm_psi_f.expand_as(x) * x
        wy = self.w(y)

        return wy, sigm_psi_f

    def init_weights(self):
        def weight_init(m):
            classname = m.__class__.__name__
            if classname.find('Conv') != -1:
                nn.init.kaiming_normal_(, a=0, mode='fan_in')
            elif classname.find('Linear') != -1:
                nn.init.kaiming_normal_(, a=0, mode='fan_in')
            elif classname.find('BatchNorm') != -1:
                nn.init.normal_(, 1.0, 0.02)
                nn.init.constant_(, 0.0)

class DummyAttention(nn.Module):
    def forward(self, x, g):
        return x, None

# TODO: Pre-calculate output sizes when using valid convolutions
[docs]class UNet(nn.Module): """Modified version of U-Net, adapted for 3D biomedical image segmentation The U-Net is a convolutional encoder-decoder neural network. Contextual spatial information (from the decoding, expansive pathway) about an input tensor is merged with information representing the localization of details (from the encoding, compressive pathway). - Original paper: - Base implementation: Modifications to the original paper (@jaxony): - Padding is used in size-3-convolutions to prevent loss of border pixels. - Merging outputs does not require cropping due to (1). - Residual connections can be used by specifying UNet(merge_mode='add'). - If non-parametric upsampling is used in the decoder pathway (specified by upmode='upsample'), then an additional 1x1 convolution occurs after upsampling to reduce channel dimensionality by a factor of 2. This channel halving happens with the convolution in the tranpose convolution (specified by upmode='transpose'). Additional modifications (@mdraw): - Operates on 3D image data (5D tensors) instead of 2D data - Uses 3D convolution, 3D pooling etc. by default - Each network block pair (the two corresponding submodules in the encoder and decoder pathways) can be configured to either work in 3D or 2D mode (3D/2D convolution, pooling etc.) with the `planar_blocks` parameter. This is helpful for dealing with data anisotropy (commonly the depth axis has lower resolution in SBEM data sets, so it is not as important for convolution/pooling) and can reduce the complexity of models (parameter counts, speed, memory usage etc.). Note: If planar blocks are used, the input patch size should be adapted by reducing depth and increasing height and width of inputs. - Configurable activation function. - Optional normalization Gradient checkpointing can be used to reduce memory consumption while training. To make use of gradient checkpointing, just run the ``forward_gradcp()`` instead of the regular ``forward`` method. This makes the backward pass a bit slower, but the memory savings can be huge (usually around 20% - 50%, depending on hyperparameters). Checkpoints are made after each network *block*. See and for more details. Gradient checkpointing is not supported in TorchScript mode. Args: in_channels: Number of input channels (e.g. 1 for single-grayscale inputs, 3 for RGB images) Default: 1 out_channels: Number of output channels (in classification/semantic segmentation, this is the number of different classes). Default: 2 n_blocks: Number of downsampling/convolution blocks (max-pooling) in the encoder pathway. The decoder (upsampling/upconvolution) pathway will consist of `n_blocks - 1` blocks. Increasing `n_blocks` has two major effects: - The network will be deeper (n + 1 -> 4 additional convolution layers) - Since each block causes one additional downsampling, more contextual information will be available for the network, enhancing the effective visual receptive field. (n + 1 -> receptive field is approximately doubled in each dimension, except in planar blocks, in which it is only doubled in the H and W image dimensions) **Important note**: Always make sure that the spatial shape of your input is divisible by the number of blocks, because else, concatenating downsampled features will fail. start_filts: Number of filters for the first convolution layer. Note: The filter counts of the later layers depend on the choice of `merge_mode`. up_mode: Upsampling method in the decoder pathway. Choices: - 'transpose' (default): Use transposed convolution ("Upconvolution") - 'resizeconv_nearest': Use resize-convolution with nearest- neighbor interpolation, as proposed in - 'resizeconv_linear: Same as above, but with (bi-/tri-)linear interpolation - 'resizeconv_nearest1': Like 'resizeconv_nearest', but using a light-weight 1x1 convolution layer instead of a spatial convolution - 'resizeconv_linear1': Like 'resizeconv_nearest', but using a light-weight 1x1-convolution layer instead of a spatial convolution merge_mode: How the features from the encoder pathway should be combined with the decoder features. Choices: - 'concat' (default): Concatenate feature maps along the `C` axis, doubling the number of filters each block. - 'add': Directly add feature maps (like in ResNets). The number of filters thus stays constant in each block. Note: According to, feature concatenation ('concat') generally leads to better model accuracy than 'add' in typical medical image segmentation tasks. enc_res_blocks: Number of residual blocks to be added to the decoder pathway. dec_res_blocks: Number of residual blocks to be added to the encoder pathway. planar_blocks: Each number i in this sequence leads to the i-th block being a "planar" block. This means that all image operations performed in the i-th block in the encoder pathway and its corresponding decoder counterpart disregard the depth (`D`) axis and only operate in 2D (`H`, `W`). This is helpful for dealing with data anisotropy (commonly the depth axis has lower resolution in SBEM data sets, so it is not as important for convolution/pooling) and can reduce the complexity of models (parameter counts, speed, memory usage etc.). Note: If planar blocks are used, the input patch size should be adapted by reducing depth and increasing height and width of inputs. activation: Name of the non-linear activation function that should be applied after each network layer. Choices (see for details): - 'relu' (default) - 'leaky': Leaky ReLU (slope 0.1) - 'prelu': Parametrized ReLU. Best for training accuracy, but tends to increase overfitting. - 'rrelu': Can improve generalization at the cost of training accuracy. - 'silu': Sigmoid Linear Unit (SiLU, aka Swish) - Or you can pass an nn.Module instance directly, e.g. ``activation=torch.nn.ReLU()`` normalization: Type of normalization that should be applied at the end of each block. Note that it is applied after the activated conv layers, not before the activation. This scheme differs from the original batch normalization paper and the BN scheme of 3D U-Net, but it delivers better results this way (see Choices: - 'group' for group normalization (G=8) - 'group<G>' for group normalization with <G> groups (e.g. 'group16') for G=16 - 'instance' for instance normalization - 'batch' for batch normalization (default) - 'none' or ``None`` for no normalization attention: If ``True``, use grid attention in the decoding pathway, as proposed in Default: ``False``. dim: Spatial dimensionality of the network. Choices: - 3 (default): 3D mode. Every block fully works in 3D unless it is excluded by the ``planar_blocks`` setting. The network expects and operates on 5D input tensors (N, C, D, H, W). - 2: Every block and every operation works in 2D, expecting 4D input tensors (N, C, H, W). conv_mode: Padding mode of convolutions. Choices: - 'same' (default): Use SAME-convolutions in every layer: zero-padding inputs so that all convolutions preserve spatial shapes and don't produce an offset at the boundaries. - 'valid': Use VALID-convolutions in every layer: no padding is used, so every convolution layer reduces spatial shape by 2 in each dimension. Intermediate feature maps of the encoder pathway are automatically cropped to compatible shapes so they can be merged with decoder features. Advantages: - Less resource consumption than SAME because feature maps have reduced sizes especially in deeper layers. - No "fake" data (that is, the zeros from the SAME-padding) is fed into the network. The output regions that are influenced by zero-padding naturally have worse quality, so they should be removed in post-processing if possible (see ``overlap_shape`` in :py:mod:`elektronn3.inference`). Using VALID convolutions prevents the unnecessary computation of these regions that need to be cut away anyways for high-quality tiled inference. - Avoids the issues described in - Since the network will not receive zero-padded inputs, it is not required to learn a robustness against artificial zeros being in the border regions of inputs. This should reduce the complexity of the learning task and allow the network to specialize better on understanding the actual, unaltered inputs (effectively requiring less parameters to fit). Disadvantages: - Using this mode poses some additional constraints on input sizes and requires you to center-crop your targets, so it's harder to use in practice than the 'same' mode. - In some cases it might be preferable to get low-quality outputs at image borders as opposed to getting no outputs at the borders. Most notably this is the case if you do training and inference not on small patches, but on complete images in a single step. """ def __init__( self, in_channels: int = 1, out_channels: int = 2, n_blocks: int = 3, start_filts: int = 32, up_mode: str = 'transpose', merge_mode: str = 'concat', enc_res_blocks: int = 0, dec_res_blocks: int = 0, planar_blocks: Sequence = (), batch_norm: str = 'unset', attention: bool = False, activation: Union[str, nn.Module] = 'relu', normalization: str = 'batch', full_norm: bool = True, dim: int = 3, conv_mode: str = 'same', ): super().__init__() if n_blocks < 1: raise ValueError('n_blocks must be > 1.') if dim not in {2, 3}: raise ValueError('dim has to be 2 or 3') if dim == 2 and planar_blocks != (): raise ValueError( 'If dim=2, you can\'t use planar_blocks since everything will ' 'be planar (2-dimensional) anyways.\n' 'Either set dim=3 or set planar_blocks=().' ) if up_mode in ('transpose', 'upsample', 'resizeconv_nearest', 'resizeconv_linear', 'resizeconv_nearest1', 'resizeconv_linear1'): self.up_mode = up_mode else: raise ValueError("\"{}\" is not a valid mode for upsampling".format(up_mode)) if merge_mode in ('concat', 'add'): self.merge_mode = merge_mode else: raise ValueError("\"{}\" is not a valid mode for" "merging up and down paths. " "Only \"concat\" and " "\"add\" are allowed.".format(up_mode)) # NOTE: up_mode 'upsample' is incompatible with merge_mode 'add' # TODO: Remove merge_mode=add. It's just worse than concat if 'resizeconv' in self.up_mode and self.merge_mode == 'add': raise ValueError("up_mode \"resizeconv\" is incompatible " "with merge_mode \"add\" at the moment " "because it doesn't make sense to use " "nearest neighbour to reduce " "n_blocks channels (by half).") if len(planar_blocks) > n_blocks: raise ValueError('planar_blocks can\'t be longer than n_blocks.') if planar_blocks and (max(planar_blocks) >= n_blocks or min(planar_blocks) < 0): raise ValueError( 'planar_blocks has invalid value range. All values have to be' 'block indices, meaning integers between 0 and (n_blocks - 1).' ) self.out_channels = out_channels self.in_channels = in_channels self.start_filts = start_filts self.n_blocks = n_blocks self.normalization = normalization self.attention = attention self.conv_mode = conv_mode self.activation = activation self.enc_res_blocks = enc_res_blocks self.dec_res_blocks = dec_res_blocks self.dim = dim self.down_convs = nn.ModuleList() self.up_convs = nn.ModuleList() if batch_norm != 'unset': raise RuntimeError( 'The `batch_norm` option has been replaced with the more general `normalization` option.\n' 'If you still want to use batch normalization, set `normalization=batch` instead.' ) # Indices of blocks that should operate in 2D instead of 3D mode, # to save resources self.planar_blocks = planar_blocks # create the encoder pathway and add to a list for i in range(n_blocks): ins = self.in_channels if i == 0 else outs outs = self.start_filts * (2**i) pooling = True if i < n_blocks - 1 else False planar = i in self.planar_blocks down_conv = DownBlock( ins, outs, pooling=pooling, planar=planar, activation=activation, normalization=normalization, dim=dim, conv_mode=conv_mode, res_blocks=enc_res_blocks, skip_first_residual=(i == 0) # Don't make res shortcut from original image ) self.down_convs.append(down_conv) # create the decoder pathway and add to a list # - careful! decoding only requires n_blocks-1 blocks for i in range(n_blocks - 1): ins = outs outs = ins // 2 planar = n_blocks - 2 - i in self.planar_blocks up_conv = UpBlock( ins, outs, up_mode=up_mode, merge_mode=merge_mode, planar=planar, activation=activation, normalization=normalization, attention=attention, full_norm=full_norm, dim=dim, conv_mode=conv_mode, res_blocks=dec_res_blocks ) self.up_convs.append(up_conv) self.conv_final = conv1(outs, self.out_channels, dim=dim) self.apply(self.weight_init)
[docs] @staticmethod def weight_init(m): if isinstance(m, GridAttention): return if isinstance(m, (nn.Conv3d, nn.Conv2d, nn.ConvTranspose3d, nn.ConvTranspose2d)): nn.init.xavier_normal_(m.weight) if getattr(m, 'bias') is not None: nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)
[docs] def forward(self, x): encoder_outs = [] # Encoder pathway, save outputs for merging i = 0 # Can't enumerate because of for module in self.down_convs: x, before_pool = module(x) encoder_outs.append(before_pool) i += 1 # Decoding by UpConv and merging with saved outputs of encoder i = 0 for module in self.up_convs: before_pool = encoder_outs[-(i+2)] x = module(before_pool, x) i += 1 # No softmax is used, so you need to apply it in the loss. x = self.conv_final(x) # Uncomment the following line to temporarily store output for # receptive field estimation using fornoxai/receptivefield: # self.feature_maps = [x] # Currently disabled to save memory return x
@torch.jit.unused def forward_gradcp(self, x): """``forward()`` implementation with gradient checkpointing enabled. Apart from checkpointing, this behaves the same as ``forward()``.""" encoder_outs = [] i = 0 for module in self.down_convs: x, before_pool = checkpoint(module, x) encoder_outs.append(before_pool) i += 1 i = 0 for module in self.up_convs: before_pool = encoder_outs[-(i+2)] x = checkpoint(module, before_pool, x) i += 1 x = self.conv_final(x) # self.feature_maps = [x] # Currently disabled to save memory return x
def test_model( batch_size=1, in_channels=1, out_channels=2, n_blocks=3, planar_blocks=(), merge_mode='concat', dim=3 ): device = torch.device('cuda') if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu') model = UNet( in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, n_blocks=n_blocks, planar_blocks=planar_blocks, merge_mode=merge_mode, dim=dim, ).to(device) # Minimal test input if dim == 3: # Each block in the encoder pathway ends with 2x2x2 downsampling, except # planar blocks, which only do 1x2x2 downsampling, so the input has to # be larger when using more blocks. x = torch.randn( batch_size, in_channels, 2 ** n_blocks // (2 ** len(planar_blocks)), 2 ** n_blocks, 2 ** n_blocks, device=device ) expected_out_shape = ( batch_size, out_channels, 2 ** n_blocks // (2 ** len(planar_blocks)), 2 ** n_blocks, 2 ** n_blocks ) elif dim == 2: # Each block in the encoder pathway ends with 2x2 downsampling # so the input has to be larger when using more blocks. x = torch.randn( batch_size, in_channels, 2 ** n_blocks, 2 ** n_blocks, device=device ) expected_out_shape = ( batch_size, out_channels, 2 ** n_blocks, 2 ** n_blocks ) # Test forward, autograd, and backward pass with test input out = model(x) loss = torch.sum(out) loss.backward() assert out.shape == expected_out_shape def test_2d_config(max_n_blocks=4): for n_blocks in range(1, max_n_blocks + 1): print(f'Testing 2D U-Net with n_blocks = {n_blocks}...') test_model(n_blocks=n_blocks, dim=2) def test_planar_configs(max_n_blocks=4): for n_blocks in range(1, max_n_blocks + 1): planar_combinations = itertools.chain(*[ list(itertools.combinations(range(n_blocks), i)) for i in range(n_blocks + 1) ]) # [(), (0,), (1,), ..., (0, 1), ..., (0, 1, 2, ..., n_blocks - 1)] for p in planar_combinations: print(f'Testing 3D U-Net with n_blocks = {n_blocks}, planar_blocks = {p}...') test_model(n_blocks=n_blocks, planar_blocks=p) if __name__ == '__main__': # m = UNet3dLite() # x = torch.randn(1, 1, 22, 140, 140) # m(x) test_2d_config() print() test_planar_configs() print('All tests sucessful!') # # TODO: Also test valid convolution architecture.