Source code for

# These are default plotting handlers that work in some common training
#  scenarios, but won't work in every case:

import logging
import os

from typing import Dict, Optional, Callable, Sequence

import matplotlib.figure
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.nn import functional as F

from import squash01
from import RemapTargetIDs

E3_CMAP: str = os.getenv('E3_CMAP')

logger = logging.getLogger('elektronn3log')

[docs]def get_cmap(out_channels: int): if E3_CMAP is not None: cmname = E3_CMAP # Else, use defaults: elif out_channels <= 10: cmname = 'tab10' elif out_channels <= 20: cmname = 'tab20' else: raise RuntimeError( f'Default cmaps only support up to 20 colors, which are not enough to label ' f'{out_channels} different output channels.\nPlease set a different cmap ' 'with the E3_CMAP envvar.' ) return, out_channels)
[docs]def plot_image( image: np.ndarray, overlay: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, overlay_alpha=0.5, cmap=None, colorbar=True, filename=None, vmin=None, vmax=None ) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure: """Plots a 2D image to a malplotlib figure. For gray-scale images, use ``cmap='gray'``. For label matrices (segmentation targets or class predictions), specify the global number of possible classes in ``out_channels``.""" # Determine colormap and set discrete color values if needed. ticks = None ticklabels = None cmap_name = cmap if isinstance(cmap, str) else if cmap_name in {E3_CMAP, 'tab10', 'tab20'}: # qualitative cmap ticks = np.linspace(0.5, vmax - 0.5, vmax) # 0.5 for centered ticks ticklabels = np.arange(vmax) fig, ax = plt.subplots(constrained_layout=True, figsize=(10, 10)) if image.ndim == 3 and image.shape[0] == 1: image = image[0] if overlay is None: aximg = ax.imshow(image, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, interpolation='none') else: ax.imshow(image, cmap='gray') masked_overlay = == 0, overlay) aximg = ax.imshow(masked_overlay, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, alpha=overlay_alpha, interpolation='none') if filename is not None: max_filename_length = 50 # Truncate long file names from the left if len(filename) > max_filename_length: filename = f'...{filename[-max_filename_length:]}' ax.set_title(filename) if colorbar: bar = fig.colorbar(aximg, ticks=ticks) if ticklabels is not None: bar.set_ticklabels(ticklabels) bar.solids.set(alpha=1) # otherwise uses image’s opacity return fig
def _get_batch2img_function( batch: np.ndarray, z_plane: Optional[int] = None ) -> Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]: """ Defines ``batch2img`` function dynamically, depending on tensor shapes. ``batch2img`` slices a 4D or 5D tensor to (C, H, W) shape, moves it to host memory and converts it to a numpy array. By arbitrary choice, the first element of a batch is always taken here. In the 5D case, the D (depth) dimension is sliced at z_plane. This function is useful for plotting image samples during training. Args: batch: 4D or 5D tensor, used for shape analysis. z_plane: Index of the spatial plane where a 5D image tensor should be sliced. If not specified, this is automatically set to half the size of the D dimension. Returns: Function that slices a plottable 2D image out of a np.ndarray with batch and channel dimensions. """ if batch.ndim == 5: # (N, C, D, H, W) if z_plane is None: z_plane = batch.shape[2] // 2 assert z_plane in range(batch.shape[2]) return lambda x: x[0, :, z_plane] elif batch.ndim == 4: # (N, C, H, W) return lambda x: x[0, :] elif batch.ndim == 2: # (N, C) -> img2scalar return lambda x: x[None, ] # (1, N, C) -> Image will show N x C probabilities else: raise ValueError('Only 4D and 5D tensors are supported.')
[docs]def write_to_kzip(trainer: 'Trainer', pred_batch: np.ndarray) -> None: from knossos_utils import KnossosDataset ks = trainer.knossos_preview_config if isinstance(ks['dataset'], str): dataset_path = ks['dataset'] else: dataset_path = ks['dataset'][0] ds = KnossosDataset(dataset_path) seg = pred_batch[0].swapaxes(0, 2) # (N, D, H, W) -> (W, H, D) # Set movement are in area_min = ks['offset'] area_sz = ks['size'] anno_str = f"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <things> <parameters> <MovementArea min.x="{area_min[0]}" min.y="{area_min[1]}" min.z="{area_min[2]}" size.x="{area_sz[0]}" size.y="{area_sz[1]}" size.z="{area_sz[2]}"/> </parameters> <comments/> <branchpoints/> </things>""" kzip_path = f'{trainer.save_path}/preview_{trainer.step}''Writing preview inference to {kzip_path}') ds.save_to_kzip( data=seg, data_mag=ks.get('mag', 1), kzip_path=kzip_path, offset=ks['offset'], mags=ks.get('target_mags', [1, 2]), gen_mergelist=False, upsample=False, fast_resampling=False, annotation_str=anno_str )
# TODO: Support regression scenario def _tb_log_preview( trainer: 'Trainer', # For some reason Trainer can't be imported z_plane: Optional[int] = None, group: str = 'preview' ) -> None: """Preview from constant region of preview batch data.""" inp_batch = trainer.preview_batch out_batch = trainer._preview_inference( inp=inp_batch, inference_kwargs=trainer.inference_kwargs, ).to(torch.float32) inp_batch = inp_batch.numpy() if trainer.inference_kwargs['apply_softmax']: out_batch = F.softmax(out_batch, 1).numpy() else: out_batch = out_batch.numpy() batch2img = _get_batch2img_function(out_batch, z_plane) if inp_batch.ndim == 5 and trainer.enable_videos: # 5D tensors -> 3D images -> We can make 2D videos out of them # See comments in the 5D section in _tb_log_sample_images inp_video = squash01(inp_batch) # (N, C, T=D, H, W) -> (N, T=D, C, H, W) because of add_video API inp_video = np.swapaxes(inp_video, 1, 2) trainer.tb.add_video( f'{group}_vid/inp', inp_video, global_step=trainer.step ) for c in range(out_batch.shape[1]): outc_video = squash01(out_batch[:, c][None]) # Slice C, but keep dimensions intact # (N, C=1, T=D, H, W) -> (N, T=D, C=1, H, W) outc_video = np.moveaxis(outc_video, 1, 2) trainer.tb.add_video( f'{group}_vid/out{c}', outc_video, global_step=trainer.step ) out_slice = batch2img(out_batch) pred_slice = out_slice.argmax(0) if trainer.knossos_preview_config is not None: pred_batch = out_batch.argmax(1) remap_ids = trainer.knossos_preview_config.get('remap_ids') if remap_ids is not None: remap = RemapTargetIDs(remap_ids, reverse=True) _, pred_batch = remap(None, pred_batch) write_to_kzip(trainer, pred_batch) for c in range(out_slice.shape[0]): trainer.tb.add_figure( f'{group}/out{c}', plot_image(out_slice[c], cmap='gray'), trainer.step ) class_cmap = get_cmap(trainer.max_plot_id) trainer.tb.add_figure( f'{group}/pred', plot_image(pred_slice, vmin=0, vmax=trainer.max_plot_id, cmap=class_cmap), trainer.step ) inp_slice = batch2img(inp_batch)[0] trainer.tb.add_figure( f'{group}/pred_overlay', plot_image(inp_slice, overlay=pred_slice, overlay_alpha=trainer.overlay_alpha, vmin=0, vmax=trainer.max_plot_id, cmap=class_cmap), global_step=trainer.step ) # This is only run once per training, because the ground truth for # previews is constant (always the same preview inputs/targets) if trainer._first_plot: inp_slice = batch2img(trainer.preview_batch)[0] trainer.tb.add_figure( f'{group}/inp', plot_image(inp_slice, cmap='gray'), global_step=0 ) trainer._first_plot = False def _tb_log_sample_images( trainer: 'Trainer', images: Dict[str, np.ndarray], z_plane: Optional[int] = None, group: str = 'sample' ) -> None: """Preview from last training/validation sample Since the images are chosen randomly from the training/validation set they come from random regions in the data set. Note: Training images are possibly augmented, so the plots may look distorted/weirdly colored. """ # Always only use the first element of the batch dimension inp_batch = images['inp'][:1] target_batch = images.get('target') if target_batch is not None: target_batch = target_batch[:1] out_batch = images['out'][:1] name = images.get('fname') if name is not None: name = name[0] continuous_cmap = 'viridis' if trainer.inference_kwargs['apply_softmax']: out_batch = F.softmax(torch.as_tensor(out_batch, dtype=torch.float32), 1).numpy() elif trainer.inference_kwargs.get('apply_sigmoid'): out_batch = torch.sigmoid(torch.as_tensor(out_batch, dtype=torch.float32)).numpy() else: out_batch = out_batch.astype(np.float32) batch2img_inp = _get_batch2img_function(inp_batch, z_plane) inp_slice = batch2img_inp(images['inp']) uinp_batch = images.get('unlabeled') if uinp_batch is not None: trainer.tb.add_figure( f'{group}/unlabeled_inp', plot_image(batch2img_inp(uinp_batch['inp'].cpu().numpy())[0], cmap='gray'), global_step=trainer.step ) # TODO: Support one-hot targets # TODO: Support multi-label targets # TODO: Output vis missing if target_batch is None # Check if the network is being trained for classification with class index target tensors if target_batch is not None: is_classification = target_batch.ndim == out_batch.ndim - 1 class_cmap = get_cmap(trainer.max_plot_id) # If it's not classification, we assume a regression scenario is_regression = np.all(target_batch.shape == out_batch.shape) # If not exactly one of the scenarios is detected, we can't handle it assert is_regression != is_classification if is_classification: # In classification scenarios, targets have one dim less than network # outputs, so if we want to use the same batch2img function for # targets, we have to add an empty channel axis to it after the N dimension target_batch = target_batch[:, None] inp_sh = np.array(inp_batch.shape[2:]) out_sh = np.array(out_batch.shape[2:]) if out_batch.shape[2:] != inp_batch.shape[2:] and not (out_batch.ndim == 2): # Zero-pad output and target to match input shape # Create a central slice with the size of the output lo = (inp_sh - out_sh) // 2 hi = inp_sh - lo slc = tuple([slice(None)] * 2 + [slice(l, h) for l, h in zip(lo, hi)]) padded_out_batch = np.zeros( (inp_batch.shape[0], out_batch.shape[1], *inp_batch.shape[2:]), dtype=out_batch.dtype ) padded_out_batch[slc] = out_batch out_batch = padded_out_batch # Assume that target has the same shape as the output and pad it, too if target_batch is not None: padded_target_batch = np.zeros((*target_batch.shape[:2], *inp_batch.shape[2:]), dtype=target_batch.dtype) padded_target_batch[slc] = target_batch target_batch = padded_target_batch target_cmap = E3_CMAP batch2img = _get_batch2img_function(out_batch, z_plane) if target_batch is not None: target_slice = batch2img(target_batch) out_slice = batch2img(out_batch) if target_batch is not None: if is_classification: target_slice = target_slice.squeeze(0) # Squeeze empty axis that was added above elif target_slice.shape[0] == 3: # Assume RGB values # RGB images need to be transposed to (H, W, C) layout so matplotlib can handle them target_slice = np.moveaxis(target_slice, 0, -1) # (C, H, W) -> (H, W, C) out_slice = np.moveaxis(out_slice, 0, -1) if inp_batch.ndim == 5 and trainer.enable_videos: # 5D tensors -> 3D images -> We can make 2D videos out of them # We re-interpret the D dimension as the temporal dimension T of the video # -> (N, T, C, H, W) # Inputs and outputs need to be squashed to the (0, 1) intensity range # for video rendering, otherwise they will appear as random noise. # Since tensorboardX's add_video only supports (N, T, C, H, W) tensors, # we have to add a fake C dimension to the (N, D, H, W) target tensors # and replace the C dimension of output tensors by empty C dimensions # to visualize each channel separately. inp_video = squash01(inp_batch) # (N, C, T=D, H, W) -> (N, T=D, C, H, W) because of add_video API inp_video = np.swapaxes(inp_video, 1, 2) trainer.tb.add_video( f'{group}_vid/inp', inp_video, global_step=trainer.step ) if target_batch is not None: target_video = target_batch if target_video.ndim == 4: # TODO: This fails with 2D multi-channel targets. Handle these reliably target_video = target_video[:, None] target_video = np.swapaxes(target_video, 1, 2) trainer.tb.add_video( f'{group}_vid/target', target_video, global_step=trainer.step ) for c in range(out_batch.shape[1]): outc_video = squash01(out_batch[:, c][None]) # Slice C, but keep dimensions intact # (N, C=1, T=D, H, W) -> (N, T=D, C=1, H, W) outc_video = np.moveaxis(outc_video, 1, 2) trainer.tb.add_video( f'{group}_vid/out{c}', outc_video, global_step=trainer.step ) # TODO: Add output and target overlay videos (not straightforward # because the 2D overlay code currently uses matplotlib) for channel in range(inp_slice.shape[0]): trainer.tb.add_figure( f'{group}/inp{channel}', plot_image(inp_slice[channel], cmap='gray', filename=name), global_step=trainer.step ) if target_batch is not None: _out_channels = trainer.max_plot_id if is_classification else None _cmap = class_cmap if is_classification else continuous_cmap if target_slice.ndim == 2: trainer.tb.add_figure( f'{group}/target', plot_image( target_slice, vmin=0, vmax=trainer.max_plot_id, filename=name, cmap=_cmap # vmin=0., vmax=1. ), global_step=trainer.step ) elif target_slice.ndim == 3: for c in range(target_slice.shape[0]): trainer.tb.add_figure( f'{group}/target{c}', plot_image( target_slice[c], vmin=0, vmax=trainer.max_plot_id, filename=name, cmap=_cmap # vmin=0., vmax=1. ), global_step=trainer.step ) for key, img in images.items(): if key.startswith('att'): trainer.tb.add_figure( f'{group}/{key}', plot_image(img, cmap='viridis'), global_step=trainer.step ) # Plot each output channel c individually as "out{c}" for c in range(out_slice.shape[0]): trainer.tb.add_figure( f'{group}/out{c}', plot_image( out_slice[c], cmap=continuous_cmap, filename=name, # vmin=0., vmax=1. ), global_step=trainer.step ) # Only make pred and overlay plots in classification scenarios if target_batch is not None: if is_classification: pred_slice = out_slice.argmax(0) trainer.tb.add_figure( f'{group}/pred_slice', plot_image(pred_slice, vmin=0, vmax=trainer.max_plot_id, cmap=class_cmap, filename=name), global_step=trainer.step ) if target_batch is not None and not target_batch.ndim == 2: # TODO: Make this condition more reliable and document it for c in range(inp_slice.shape[0]): trainer.tb.add_figure( f'{group}/target_overlay{c}', plot_image(inp_slice[c], overlay=target_slice, overlay_alpha=trainer.overlay_alpha, vmin=0, vmax=trainer.max_plot_id, cmap=class_cmap, filename=name), global_step=trainer.step ) trainer.tb.add_figure( f'{group}/pred_overlay', plot_image(inp_slice[c], overlay=pred_slice, overlay_alpha=trainer.overlay_alpha, vmin=0, vmax=trainer.max_plot_id, cmap=class_cmap, filename=name), global_step=trainer.step ) def _tb_log_sample_images_all_img( trainer: 'Trainer', images: Dict[str, np.ndarray], z_plane: Optional[int] = None, group: str = 'sample' ) -> None: """Tensorboard plotting handler that plots all arrays in the ``images`` dict as 2D grayscale images. Multi-channel images are split along the C dimension and plotted separately. """ name = images.pop('fname', [None])[0] # TODO: Clean up/remove the messy name handling. Figure out how to pass non-image data cleanly. for key, img in images.items(): img = img[:1] # Always only use the first element of the batch dimension batch2img = _get_batch2img_function(img, z_plane) img = batch2img(img) if img.shape[0] == 1: trainer.tb.add_figure( f'{group}/{key}', plot_image(img[0], cmap='gray', filename=name), global_step=trainer.step ) else: for c in range(img.shape[0]): trainer.tb.add_figure( f'{group}/{key}{c}', plot_image(img[c], cmap='gray', filename=name), global_step=trainer.step )